The company’s commitment to CSR is embedded in our mission statement. 

Our CSR Strategy is based on the guidance provided through ISO 26000, which defines CSR as ‘the responsibility of an organisation for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment through transparent and ethical behaviour’. 

To this end, we aim to:

  • Contribute to sustainable development, including the health and welfare of society 
  • Take into account the expectations of all our stakeholders 
  • Comply with all applicable laws and international norms of behavior 
  • Integrate CSR throughout the organization and practice it in our relationships with third parties 

Our CSR Strategy is built on four main pillars: the Environment, Excellent Client Relationships, Nurturing our Human Resources and Community Development. By promoting internal and national initiatives in line with these four pillars, Office Group is contributing towards solving national and global social and environmental issues and improve quality of life. 

Excellent Client Relationships

Our business model is built on our aspiration to assist our clients to operate in a more efficient and effective manner, and thus become more profitable. The products and services that we offer are designed to help our clients make more money whilst enabling innovation. Our personal approach towards our clients ensures that we truly understand the needs and concerns of each client and that we provide solutions which are tailor-made to their specific needs. To this end, we think of our clients as partners with whom we embark on a journey of innovation, creativity and profitability. 

The Environment

The brands that we represent are at the forefront of environmental innovation. We endeavour to promote the use of our products to transform the business environment into one which truly understands its environmental impact and chooses products and services which have the health of our planet at heart. 

Nurturing our Human Resources

Our employees and service providers are not merely a company resource – they are the core of who we are as a company and the main contributors towards our success. Office Group aims to create a culture of shared value, where the success of the company is enjoyed by each and every employee. We aim to achieve these by sustaining a culture of holistic employee well-being – one which takes into account the physical, mental and emotional well-being of each member of our family. We aim to lead in a manner which enables the holistic growth of each person through opportunities for self-development and expression of unique talents and abilities. 

Community Development

We are fully aware of our unique ability to promote a culture of sustainable development and help solve some of our country’s social and environmental challenges. To this end, we will leverage the power of social innovation through the engagement of our various stakeholders; and create partnerships which will lead to the development of new services and initiatives which will alleviate some of the problems we face and create better outcomes for current and future generations. 

Developing the CSR Implementation Plan

During the first year of the strategy, the company will focus on improving existing activity and initiatives consistent with the company’s CSR vision and objectives through the guidance provided by ISO 26000. The CSR Implementation Plan has been development following an external assessment of its current activities and the engagement of key stakeholders. Key staff members have been identified for the implementation of specific actions, whilst an external expert has been engaged to drive implementation. 

Communication Framework

A variety of internal and external communications methods will be used to communicate CSR news and messages clearly and effectively. 

These channels are outlined in the company’s Communications and Marketing Strategy, which will help to further embed principles of sustainable development into the culture of the organisation whilst raising awareness about the strategic value of CSR amongst the business community. 


The review date for the Strategy will be the 31 December 2020 in line with the development of the Annual Plan and business planning cycle.