“The business community can do more, and ultimately, it is in our interest to do so,” Office Group managing director Robert Micallef said, when talking about his company’s own efforts towards taking a more pro-active approach towards corporate social responsibility and being more accountable towards its stakeholders.
Office Group Ltd has recently embarked on the development and implementation of a CSR programme, inspired by one of the leading brands that it represents – Konica Minolta.
Konica Minolta’s purpose is to use creative ideas to deliver tangible new value in order to resolve the challenges faced by customers and the broader society. Micallef emphasised that companies may be better positioned than governments to understand – and respond to – emerging societal needs.
Office Group has developed a CSR strategy and action plan, with the expert support of CSR specialists Weave Consulting. The strategy is based on four main pillars: environment, excellent client relationships, nurturing human resources and community development.
By promoting internal and national initiatives in line with these four pillars, Office Group is contributing towards solving national and global social and environmental issues and improve quality of life.
“Office Group aims to contribute to sustainable development, including the health and welfare of society, by taking into account the expectations of all our stakeholders, integrating CSR throughout the organisation and practice it in our relationships with third parties,” Micallef added. “A variety of internal and external communications methods will be used to communicate CSR news and messages clearly and effectively.”
Roberta Lepre, from Weave Consulting further emphasised that companies which want to remain competitive in the medium- to long-term, do not only have a moral obligation to contribute towards sustainable development, but need to embed into their overall business strategy in order to remain relevant and competitive within the context of a market which is increasingly demanding more ethical and transparent practices.
Original article, here.